So, yeah. I have no idea what to write. Hmmm... The weather around here sucks. I'm sick of driving around in this crap... however, I do like the fact that we will have a white Christmas, and I don't mind winter in general, I just hate the fact that I have to drive around on the crappy roads all the time.

AND another thing: What is the deal with gas prices going up 20 cents in one day! That is just outrageous. Perhaps I shouldn't be complaining, since the prices are less now than they were this summer, and as Americans, we are finally paying prices comparable to the rest of the world, but 20 cents in one day?! IN ONE DAY?!

Lets see, there are about 9 days until Christmas and I have 1.) Not sent out Christmas cards, which makes me believe I won't; and 2.) Not purchased any sorts of gifts for anyone. I'm not normally that bad of a procrastinator, but this year the story is different. I get paid on commission and because a situation I can't really explain because of confindentiality, I'm getting paid about half of what I should be receiving. It definitely sucks.

Don't know what will happen this "Christmas break," but I'm not counting on seeing Big. Christmas is an important time to spend with family (at least to me) and I don't like to intrude on other people's family stuff over the holidays, because I know how I am with the family thing. I'm kinda a nazi about tradition.

Gots to go. Time to leave work and Karaoke later! ROCK OUT!


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