I am so ready for the weekend, baby! Today Is FRIDAY THE 13th! Whooo creepy! Really, I don't care. I'm just so so happy that the Pistons SPANKED the Spurs last night and showed them how to really play basketball.

Anyway, I'm ready for the weekend, because this weekend is Dave's birthday and we'll be having a fun celebration tomorrow, but I will also go and sing Karaoke tonight. Maybe I'll talk to Aiden tonight. We'll see what happens. I'm not really expecting much, but it will be an interesting and fun time anyway.

I'm so ready for the weekend after I had a wonderfully horrible day yesterday. I had to drive all the way to Ludington for NOTHING. NO MONEY, and a crumby day with a new agent. Oh well. One more day down the drain.

Monica, where are you? What's the deal? Why is everyone quitting and/or leaving? Is there some magical company that is paying all sorts of money to their agents, and that's why everyone is leaving? Just curious.

Yeah, I'm out. I am absolutely stunned at what I am hearing from another source right now about something completely unrelated.


Anonymous said…
Yeah apparently there is another company, however I am interviewing with some other companies in different industry that will give me Base Salary, Commission, Expenses. I need to make minimum amount a year that I was just not acheiving at Bankers. Anyways, how many people left? I am not completely in the loop so to say. Well that is Friday the 13th for ya. So do U plan to stay at the big Bankerville. R u making money? Well babe, feel free to hit me up at my email anytime too. Monica.consultant@gmail.com

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